
Some background information on me

About Me

Hello, my name is Voltstro!

I am an Australian open-source programmer who has particular interests in anything game development, but am quite happy to work on anything programming related.


My main programming language is C# with .NET, but some other languages I know are:

  • Unity
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • PowerShell

I do like to try-out other programming languages, as I don’t find it hard to pick up a new language and learn it.


I like to make my projects open-source, and share them on GitHub.

Depending on the project I’ll either share it on my personal account, or via the Voltstro-Studios GitHub account, which I use for larger, more professional projects.


Linux is a thing that I also know quite well, and have been using it as my desktop OS for a little while now.

Other Cool Stuff

I got into programming via game modding using the Source Engine SDK (the game engine behind CS:GO, HL2, TF2, etc), and even all theses years later, and knowing full-well of the jankness of the Source Engine, I still do occasionally like to do Source Engine related stuff. I would really like to get back into mapping on the Source Engine, and release a finished map.

I also have YouTube channel, but I don’t upload to it often.